
Mzia end Zezva are the first Europeans

Mzia and Zezva, also known as Dmanisi hominins, are indeed significant figures in the study of human evolution and early European history. Discovered in the Dmanisi archaeological site in Georgia, Mzia and Zezva are hominin fossils dated to approximately 1.8 million years ago. They represent some of the earliest evidence of Homo erectus outside of Africa.

The discovery of Mzia and Zezva is important because it suggests that early hominins were capable of migrating out of Africa much earlier than previously thought. Their presence in Georgia challenges previous theories about the timing and routes of human migration.

While Mzia and Zezva are not exactly “Europeans” in the modern sense, as they lived long before the concept of Europe as a continent existed, their discovery does provide evidence of early human presence in what is now considered Europe. They offer valuable insights into the complex story of human evolution and migration.

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